The GFWC Hartford Women's Club is a proud member of the General Federation of
Women's Clubs. Honoring the motto of Unity in Diversity, we come together as unique
individuals dedicated to community improvement. Our club held its first meeting in 1985.
Each year we sponsor one major fund raiser, The Great Hartford Craft Exposition, held at
Hartford Union High School in November. In keeping with our theme of "Making It
Happen in Hartford", funds generated from these annual events are used to support a
variety of community programs and charities.
We are one of more than 80 clubs federated under GFWC in Wisconsin. The GFWC-WI
is involved in many projects. We own Wisconsin's Own Library, an extension collection of
works by Wisconsin authors that moved in November, 2007 to the Lane Library at Ripon
College. In 1932, GFWC-WI undertook a partnership with Trees for Tomorrow,
establishing the GFWC-WI Forest within the Nicolette Forest in northern Wisconsin.
The General Federation of Women's Clubs, one of the world's largest and oldest
nonpartisan, nondenominational, women's volunteer service organizations, was founded
in 1890 and chartered by the 56th United States Congress in 1901. Headquartered in a
National Historical Landmark building in Washington, D.C., GFWC has a long history of
philanthropy, social and political advocacy, and community leadership. More than
100,000 members in affiliated clubs in every state and more than a dozen countries work
in their own communities to support the arts, preserve natural resources, advance
education, promote healthy lifestyles, encourage civic involvement, and work toward world
peace and understanding.